Mission Statement

Okay, this is more of a "non-mission statement," as it chronicles the creative projects that I had always INTENDED to produce throughout the years, but never did.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Morbid Curiosity

I knew I had these photos somewhere, but didn't realize how hard I would have to comb through ancient hard-drives to find them. It's hard to believe they are nearly 8 years old. There was an accompanying head-shot (I won't include here) that strangely doesn't look much different than I do now. I coincidentally discovered a rough sketch describing a similar idea.

As I have spent an inordinate amount of time in hotel rooms over the last ten years, I occasionally ponder the lives of others who have stayed in the same room as I have. It can be difficult since I typically stay in upper-mid-range hotels catering to business travelers. There is a sense of anonymity as my fellow travelers and I tend not to interact much aside from the occasional hotel bar, or awkward elevator silences. Otherwise, it's the same nondescript room, thankfully cleaned of any traces of the occupant before me. However, there's an unspoken dark-side us travelers don't try to think about: clandestine dalliances, suicides, and other scenes of breakdowns of the moral character.

So, I came upon the idea of a series of staged "hotel suicide" photos. Though I only snapped a couple many years ago and forgot about it, I had imagined a sort of Cindy Sherman-esque look. For those unaware, she's an American photographer known for her conceptually staged pictures which she is often the subject. She did a series where she posed as actresses from real Noir and B-movies. These are quick, raw, conceptual pics and not composed as well as I'd like. I'd probably make them B&W as well, if I was to continue.

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