Mission Statement

Okay, this is more of a "non-mission statement," as it chronicles the creative projects that I had always INTENDED to produce throughout the years, but never did.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

B & W photography (Part 3)

These two pics I'm especially proud of and had completely forgotten about. They are based on a sketch I made on a cocktail napkin (I'd love to also find) I had intended to turn into a painting. Instead, I realized it would be quicker to take photos. They were taken in the house I had just purchased in Phoenix, so I date them circa 2005. You may note that the strange look of the walls are due to an awkward attempt I made of a "fresco wash," apparently to make my kitchen resemble an old Tuscan one. The title of the photos are "She Loves Me" and "She Loves Me Not."

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