Mission Statement

Okay, this is more of a "non-mission statement," as it chronicles the creative projects that I had always INTENDED to produce throughout the years, but never did.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Pretend Athlete

To continue on the soccer thread...

The Spark: In 2004 , at the age of 31, I wanted to embark on and document a potential life-changing experience. It was inspired by Morgan Spurlock, and his documentary Super Size Me, where he places himself as both the filmmaker and subject, into the film. It was like a scientist who injects himself with his own serum, not knowing what to fully expect.

The Setup: Even with a bit of football play from seventh to ninth grades, years of martial arts as an adult, and a muscular build, no one would ever confuse me with the idea of an actual athlete. However, at the age of 31, I thought about changing that. The international governing body of world soccer, FIFA, places all nations within their rankings. My basic idea was, after quitting my job, all my unhealthy vices, I would meet with a personal trainer and soccer coach to get me into shape and up to speed...essentially building me into a skilled athlete at a late age in a quick amount of time. At this point, I would find a team/country at the bottom of the FIFA rankings, particularly one with a petite populace where my 5' 11," 195lb frame would dominate. I would find one with open try-outs and proceed.

The Story: For my intended documentary, it would have been amusing enough to go through the training, all the way to trying out and not making a team. Even better...making the team and playing in a "professional" match, making myself a professional athlete, regardless if I was paid ten pesos or equivalent. Best case scenario...to make a team, and with the accompanying media buzz of a zany foreigner involved under auspicious circumstances, I'm an athletic-celebrity-superstar of a small nation.

The Takeaway: You may recall a couple sections back, that this project would involve me quitting my job, all vices, and getting into shape. The devils advocate in me found three problems with that premise...and as we know, the devil usually wins. Well, he won this time...

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