Mission Statement

Okay, this is more of a "non-mission statement," as it chronicles the creative projects that I had always INTENDED to produce throughout the years, but never did.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Quarter Million Dollar Art Panel: Redux

Apparently, since I last posted, it rained; an event so rare where I live in the desert, that it often comes as a surprise. When the drops begin to fall consistently enough to be noticed, haste is made to raise car windows and shelter the things we don't want to get wet. Even though the panel appeared protected from the elements by an awning, it obviously was not. When I came upon the aftermath, I initially laughed at the ridiculous mess, but then was perplexed as I thought I had used outdoor stucco patch to secure the pieces. Eventually, I realized I had merely slathered on indoor drywall putty.

My daughter, with good intentions (see pic 2), tried to fix it, but I told her not to bother. I got what I wanted out of it, and it was time to let it go.

So let this be a lesson/reminder to all of you non-lazy artists out there who expose their work to Mother-nature, and take the proper steps to protect it. This reminded me of an incident from a few years back. It seems art isn't 100% safe indoors either:

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