Mission Statement

Okay, this is more of a "non-mission statement," as it chronicles the creative projects that I had always INTENDED to produce throughout the years, but never did.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hipster-matic or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Retro-Techno-Picture Craze

Fifteen months ago I took a month or two off of work when my daughter was born. Even though I had enough vacation time accrued, I still found myself a part-time job to pass the time and make some extra scratch as a bouncer/parking-lot attendant for a local bar. Most of my time was spent sitting in a parking lot reading and drinking Guinness out of a thermos. However, one night I took the accompanying photos with my phone using a free app I downloaded. They look cool in a mysterious David Lynchian way, but I never looked at them again until now. A good friend and professional artist has actually sold prints using his camera phone pictures, but I just don't have the heart to do that myself. I like to think that the key of art comes purely from the intent of the artist as I may have mentioned before, but it just seems too easy when technology performs the brunt of the effort or perhaps the effect that makes it aesthetically "cool" or interesting. I don't know. Perhaps I'm just making excuses again to justify laziness of putting a project together.

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